Dear Friends of Cuba,
We hope you are having a great weekend. Thanks so much for your continued prayer support for our brothers and sisters in Cuba. The Christmas season is in full swing there as the choirs practice for Christmas 'cantatas' and drama presentations.
Lord willing, in 34 days, a team of 5 missionaries will be traveling on mission to Cuba! Our mission focus for this trip will be 'Moms and Babies.' We have learned that in the churches we partner with, there are 27 babies due between now and March 2012!
I just received 40 coupons for $1 off the purchase of Desitin...If you would like to bless a family in Cuba by purchasing a tube of Desitin,...drop by the 'greeting cart,' located on the south side of the FBCWPB church steps, tomorrow morning, between 9:55 and 10:15 a.m. and pick up a coupon!
We will be taking food and medicine to Cuba, in January 2012. Our contacts in Cuba have requested specific items.
Gently used or new:
êBaby clothes, shoes, blankets, towels, toys, stuffed animals
êCloth diapers, diaper pins, plastic pants, disposable diapers
êBaby bottles, sippy cups, spoons, plates
Also needed:
êBaby aspirin, pain relievers, fever reducers, Desitin, Balmax
êBaby allergy medicine, cold & cough medicine, stomach medicine
êPowdered baby formula, Cod liver oil, powdered milk
êBaby shampoo, powder, lotion, baby vitamins
On or before January 8, 2012,
Label items ‘Cuba-Virginia Hansen’
and place items in the RED ‘Cuba’ Box located on the 3rd floor, in DC Room 326, at FBCWPB.
For more information, contact Virginia Hansen at: l (561)712-1234 l
Take a look at some of the babies and families we know in Cuba:
Please pray and ask God how He wants you to be involved with this opportunity to help our Cuban brothers and sisters.
Also, please remember Maria Rosa Bernal, Mary F. Daunhauer, Jeff Finley, Virginia Hansen, and Frank Miller, the January 2012 Cuba Mission Team, in prayer, as they prepare for the upcoming trip.
Cuba para Cristo!
Commit to pray for CUBA
Mateo 28:19 Vayan y hagan discipulos en todas las naciones.