Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Feliz Navidad

Estimados Amigos de Cuba,

Queremos tener tiempo para darle las gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo. Este ha sido un año muy emocionante para Cuba 4 Cristo. Siempre estamos tan contentos ver cómo Dios pone a las personas en lugar de hacer Su plan. Dios se está moviendo de una manera poderosa. Más de 1.600 personas aceptaron a Cristo como su Salvador y Señor, como resultado de muchos ministerios y campañas en Cuba. Aún más creyentes fueron bautizados en las 328 iglesias de la Convención Bautista de Cuba Occidental. Hemos aprendido que más de 2.000 misiones, iglesias en las casas, y las casas de oración han puesto en marcha y mucha gente está respondiendo al conocimiento de Cristo como su Salvador como resultado de estos grupos. Los esfuerzos del Ministerio están tratando de llegar a los estudiantes y adultos en muchos barrios.

Muchos ministerios incluyendo Deportes, Títeres, De Ninos e Estudiantes, Música, Medicina, Evangelismo, Entrenamiento de Pastores y Líderes de la Adoración, Ayuda en Desastres, Ayuda Humanitaria, Apoyo Familiar, Adultos en la Tercera Edad, Viudas y Huérfanos se están expandiendo en Cuba. Estamos muy contentos de ser parte del plan de levantar estos ministerios y sus líderes en la oración y en ayudar con recursos .

Al llegar al final de 2012, favor de orar en cómo se puede apoyar a Cuba 4 Christ con una donación de ‘fin del año'. Estamos muy agradecidos por sus oraciones y su ayuda financiera. Por favor, done seguramente en el internet en  (Haz clic en Donate Now para estar conectado al sitio para Cuba 4 Christ a través de la First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach.)

Ir a (Haz click en el FBC Downtown, haz clic en "Serve", haz clic en “Global Missions", desplácese hacia 'Cuba 4 Christ' y haga clic en la dirección Web en azul, que se conecta a la página web.  Siga las instrucciones anteriores para donar de forma segura a través de Cuba 4 Christ  a través de la First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach.)

Gracias de antemano por sus oraciones y el apoyo a Cuba 4 Christ.

ꜟFeliz Navidad y Un Prospero Año Nuevo!

Feliz Navidad...

Dear Friends of Cuba,

We want to take time to thank you for your prayers and support.  This has been a very exciting year for Cuba 4 Christ.  We are amazed how God puts people in place to make His plan come together.  God is moving in a mighty way.  Over 1,600 people accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord as a result of many ministries and campaigns in Cuba.  Even more believers were baptized in the 328 churches of the Western Cuba Baptist Convention.  We have learned that over 2,000 missions, house churches, and prayer houses have been launched and many people are responding to the saving knowledge of Christ as a result of these groups.  Ministry efforts are reaching out to students and adults in many neighborhoods. 

Many ministries including Sports, Puppets, Children’s, Music, Medical, Evangelism, Pastor and Worship Leader Training, Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Aid, Family Support, Senior Adults, Widows and Orphans are expanding in Cuba.  We are excited to be an active partner in lifting up these ministries and their leaders in prayer and in helping supply resources.

As we come to the close of 2012, please prayerfully consider how you can support Cuba 4 Christ with ‘year-end’ giving.  We are so thankful for your prayers and for your financial assistance.  Please donate securely on-line at (Click on Donate Now to be connected to the site for Cuba 4 Christ donations via First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach.)


Go to (Click on  FBC Downtown, click on ‘Serve’, click on ‘Global Missions,’ scroll down ‘Cuba 4 Christ’ and click on the web address highlighted in blue, to be connected to the web page.  Follow the directions above to donate securely to Cuba 4 Christ via First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach.)

Thanks in advance for your continuing prayers and support for Cuba 4 Christ.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

¡Feliz Navidad y un Prospero Año Nuevo!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Cuba 4 Christ Fund Raiser & Christmas Donations

December 15, 2012---Thanks so much for supporting our clothing sale to raise funds for Cuba 4 Christ! Thanks to Nidia, Loli & JC, Linda, Yla, Renee, Frank, Steve...We will have another opportunity for you all to support our ministry on Saturday, January 5, 2013. Hold the date!


Gracias por su apoyo en la venta de ropa para recaudar fondos por Cuba 4 Christ! Muchas gracias a Nidia, Loli & JC, Linda, Yla, Renee, Frank, Steve...  Vamos a tener otra oportunidad por todos a dar su apoyo para nuestro ministerio el sabado, el 5 de enero de 2013...marquen la fecha!

December 16, 2012--Fabulous time at the Hadley Home...well on our way to filling a duffle bag for Cuba with medicines and food! Thanks so much for giving back to Cuba 4 Christ at Christmas time!

Una fiesta fabulosa en la casa de los Hadley...estamos en el camino de llenar un gusano por Cuba con medicinas y comida! Muchas gracias por dando a Cuba 4 Christ en la estacion de Navidad!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Update-Cuba Roof Project 101712

God has provided an anonymous donor who is helping this church! For every $ DOLLAR given to this project, this donor will MATCH those funds.

Great News!...a total of $1,426.00 has been given for the roof! With the matching fund dollars... the total, so far, is $2,852.00 !  PRAISE the LORD!

We continue to pray for our goal of $4,000.
Cuban Church without Roof

Pastor Everardo visits Florida 082212-102212

Pastor Everardo is here from Cuba. Please pray that he will have a productive visit.  Pastor will also travel to South Carolina to visit church friends.

Pastor Everardo, Mary, Andreita and big bear!

Pastor Everardo, de Cuba, esta en el sur de la Florida. Ore que el va a tener un viaje muy productivo... Pastor Everardo va a visitar unos amigos de la iglesia en South Carolina, tambien.

Packing for the November 2012 Cuba Trip 092212

Thank God for volunteers packing items for the November 10th Mission Trip to Cuba.

Gracias a Dios por voluntarios ayudando empacar cosas por el viaje misionero a Cuba. Si Dios quiere, un equipo de 6 misioneros va el 10 de noviembre.

Ana Isabel visits West Palm Beach...

Welcome Ana Isabel, Pastor Daniel's wife...She is here visiting with family and friends. She continued the tradition of eating Chocolate Trinity ice cream with us last night! Everyone was happy!

Bienvenida a Ana Isabel, la esposa de Pastor Daniel. Ella esta aqui visitando con familia y amigos. Anoche, con nosotros, ella continuo la tradicion de comer el helado, que se llama, Chocolate Trinity. Todos contentos...

Abdias is here...Information from Cuba 081112

Dear Friends of Cuba,

God is so good to us. Our friends Rene and Mabel Dominguez will be going back to Cuba on Thursday. They are so thankful for the hospitality and kindness shown to them while they were in West Palm Beach. God provided opportunities for them to share in many different venues while they were here. This weekend, they will be sharing in Tampa area churches.

Abdias Frometa, from Havana, is in Jacksonville this weekend, visiting with several churches. He will be will be sharing with FBCOrange Park in their morning services tomorrow and in a Spanish congregation that evening.
Abdias, Veronica, Idalmis, Monica
Abdias, will be in services with us, at FBCWPB, next Sunday, Aug. 19th.

He will make classroom visits that morning, as he did on his previous visit to FBCWPB.

We will host a gathering for him here at our home on Sunday afternoon (Aug. 19) for those who would like to hear more about what God is doing in Cuba.

For more information on what is happening in Cuba, see the Fall 2012 Florida Baptist Missions emagazine which contains the article, Fishing for souls in Cuban waters... detailing statistics and information from our contacts in Cuba, Dr. Alberto Gonzalez and his son, David, both of the Western Cuban Baptist Convention.

In 2011, nearly 1,600 people received Christ and 2,632 followed their commitment and were baptized in Cuba. The total of churches in the WCBC has risen to 328 with more than 65,000 believers worshipping together! Around 2,000 missions and house churches were planted in 2011.

The photo in the article is from Mariel, a coastal town known for the 80's Mariel boat lifts. As a result of controls being lifted in Mariel, we have been partnering with 4 churches in this town over these last two years. We are thrilled to see how churches and missions are reaching out and winning souls.

We thank God for missionaries from FBCWPB being actively involved in these exciting results that are making an impact for the Kingdom. Some of your may remember that Dr. Alberto Gonzalez spoke at FBCWPB years ago when he was here on a religious visit.

Check out the article at the link below:


Thanks for your support...090512

We are thrilled to have a team representing members from FBC of Orange Park and FBC of West Palm Beach.

Praise God…we have Vacation Bible School materials, entitled Amazing Wonders Aviation for this trip. We plan to share the materials with the 60 + groups we partner with on the island.

Please pray ..we will receive the Cuban religious entry visas for all team members.
We will continue to fly from Ft. Lauderdale to Havana. The Ft. Lauderdale airport is a little closer and less congested than Miami.

We are collecting school supplies, new socks and underwear for students from KG to 12th grades, medicine, food and other resources to bring on this trip. We have a lot to do before we go. Pray that we will pack well and fill every space in the bags!

Please pray for the 6 missionaries on the team:
Thanks for your prayers and support…

In April, while we were on mission in Cuba, we collaborated with our contacts to plan the November 2012 trip dates to coincide with the week students will be on recess from school. Please pray for opportunities for us to meet with children and their families.

We are thrilled to have a team representing members from FBC of Orange Park and FBC of West Palm Beach.
Praise God we have materials for a Vacation Bible School—entitled, Amazing Wonders Aviation.  Our plan is to share this material with the 60+ groups we partner with in Cuba.
Please pray that we receive the Cuban Religious Entry Visas for all team members.  We continue to fly from Ft. Lauderdale to Havana.  Ft. Lauderdale  Airport is  less congested and a little closer than Miami.
We are collecting school supplies, new socks and underwear for students KG to 12th grades, medicines, food and other resources to bring on this trip.  We have a lot to do before we go.  Pray that we will pack well and fill every spot in the bags.
Thanks for praying for the team of 6 missionaries who make up the November 10th Cuba Mission Team:
Gilberte Germain, Jeff Finley, Jim Reid, Maria Martin, Mary Daunhauer, Virginia Hansen

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Missionary Team November 10-17, 2012

Jeff Finley

Thanks for your prayers and support…Fall Cuba Mission Team 2012. 

First Baptist Church of Orange Park and First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach. 

Mary Daunhauer
Jim Reid
In April, while we were on mission in Cuba, we collaborated with our contacts to plan the November 2012 trip dates to coincide with the week students will be on recess from school. Please pray for opportunities for us to meet with children and their families.

Gilberte Germain
Praise God we have procured Vacation Bible School materials, entitled Amazing Wonders Aviation for the trip.  We will share the materials with the 60+ groups we partner with on the island.  Pray for the network of churches who follow the plan of sharing resources and materials.  These materials are used many times over during the year. 

Maria Martin
Please pray that all team members will receive the Cuban Religious Entry Visas.  We continue to fly from Ft. Lauderdale to Havana.  It is a little closer and less congested than Miami.

Virginia Hansen
We are collecting:
and other resources to bring on this trip.  We have a lot to do before we go.  Pray that we will pack well and fill every space in the bags.

Please pray for the November 10-17, 2012 Cuba Mission Trip and the 6 missionaries on the team:



 We are collecting school supplies, new socks and underwear for students from KG to 12th grades, medicine, food and other resources to bring on this trip. We have a lot to do before we go. Pray that we will pack well and fill every space in the bags!

Please pray for the 6 missionaries on the team:
MARY DAUNHAUER ∙ JIM REID ∙ JEFF FINLEY ∙ We are collecting school supplies, new socks and underwear for students from KG to 12th grades, medicine, food and other resources to bring on this trip. We have a lot to do before we go. Pray that we will pack well and fill every space in the bags!Praise God…we have Vacation Bible School materials, entitled Amazing Wonders Aviation for this trip. We plan to share the materials with the 60 + groups we partner with on the islandPraise God…we have Vacation Bible School materials, entitled Amazing Wonders Aviation for this trip. We plan to share the materials with the 60 + groups we partner with on the islandPraise God…we have Vacation Bible School materials, entitled Amazing Wonders Aviation for this trip. We plan to share the materials with the 60 + groups we partner with on the island.

Want to help a church in Cuba? Take a look at this opportunity!

Praise the Lord!  God has provided a way for you to be involved in helping a church, near Havana, Cuba receive a new roof for their sanctuary.   

An anonymous donor is providing matching funds for gifts given to this project up to $2,000.00.  This enables us to reach our goal for funding the new roof.

Should you want to donate toward this project:

1.       go to 

2.      Click on the blue ‘donate now’ box, on the right side of the webpage.

3.      Make the choice to donate securely online with a ‘credit card’ or ‘check’ and click the appropriate box.

4.      You will be taken to First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach’s secure donation page.

5.      If you are already registered, log in.  If you are not registered, pay as a guest.

6.      Type in the donation amount in the appropriate box.

7.      Answer the question –Is this gift designated to a specific person?  Remove the check from ‘NO’ and place a check for ‘YES’.

8.      By the statement, --If so, please designate my gift to …Type, CUBA ROOF, in the box.

9.      Make your payment.  You will be provided with a receipt of your transaction right away.  Print your receipt and maintain it for your records.

God bless you as you help a congregation in a city of 40,000 people make an impact for the kingdom.

Vacation Bible School-Guanabacoa

Glory to God...Vacation Bible School in Iglesia Bautista de Guanabacoa...many students attended the week of activities. Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in they provide activities for students and their families this summer.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Big Apple Adventure VBS in Cuba...Aventura en la Gran Manzana EBV en Cuba...

Great news from a pastor in Cuba. This week they presented 'Big Apple Adventure VBS.' More than 115 students participated in this activity. Praise the Lord.

Buenas noticias de un pastor en Cuba. Esta semana presentaron 'Aventura en la Gran Manzana EBV.' Mas de 115 estudiantes participaron en ese evento.   Gloria a Dios!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cuba News- Summer Camps, Vacation Bible Schools, Friends Visit

Dear Friends of Cuba,

Thanks for continuing to pray for our brothers and sisters in Cuba. This has been an exciting week at the campgrounds. Pastor Yordanis was given the opportunity to lead over 200 students who are 9-13 years old, at Yumuri Campground. He reports that many of them made decisions to stay with Jesus...Praise the Lord.

Also this week, we heard from Pastor Carlos. Even though there were heavy rain showers, many parents and children came to participate in Champions of the Faith Vacation Bible School. Carlos and his wife, Tania, lead many Bible Study Groups each week. They were thrilled to be able to minister to children and their parents during the VBS activities. They are in need of clown face paint...Let me know if you want to help them.

Pastor Eduardo writes requesting prayer for their up-coming Vacation Bible Schools. They are doing a training this weekend. God is working. We are so pleased that the churches continue to share the resources and VBS materials.

Please remember Rene and Mabel in your prayers. Lord willing, they will be here on Wednesday. On Sunday, July 22, they will be at FBCWPB. Please feel free to chat with them and hear what God is doing through the Baptist Seminary in Santos Suarez, Cuba!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dear Friends of Cuba,

Great news just in from Pastor Yordani. His church is on the outskirts of Havana. He oversees three congregations in close proximity. Each of the congregations is distinct. Yordani mentors several of the volunteers in a program of discipleship. We are continuing to pray for this young pastor and his family as they make an impact for the kingdom.

Yordani shared exciting news of a baptismal service in a pool for new Christ followers. His church is also reaching out to students from Ghana and welcoming them to the church. Anamari and Yoel are faithful Christ followers who spend their free time reaching others for Christ each week. Please continue to pray for Yordani and the volunteers who serve with him.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pray for friend, Yusin visits, Powerhouse Service Project

Dear Friends of Cuba,

Thanks for continuing to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters.

We thank God for Yusin. He was able to visit the USA for a few weeks and we met with him for a few hours. He shares his musical talents all over the island and helps coordinate trips for musical groups going to Cuba. It was a miracle for him to be able to visit family and friends on this trip. He also lead music in several churches while he was here.  Check out his music video on YouTube--Yusin Pons, 'Creo en Dios'.  His song, 'Creo en Dios', 'I Believe in God' sung by his sister-in-law, Daymi Farinas.

Please pray for our friend, Doralyn, missionary to Cuba. She was hospitalized this week and is home now. She and her husband, LM, were leaders of group headed to Cuba this week. The group went on to Cuba, while they remained in Texas. LM sent word that there have been more than 250 children reached through Vacation Bible School activities!

Lord willing, in less than two weeks, our friends, Rene and Mabel, will arrive. Please pray for them as they prepare to come for a visit. We learned that they have received permission to leave Cuba and we are looking forward to having them at FBCWPB on July 22.

We are also thankful for FBCWPB's Middle School students! They served this week by sorting clothing that was collected for Cuba. Many hands made light work...Thanks for being willing to help.

Lord willing, we will go on mission to Cuba again from November 10-17, 2012. Please pray for this trip.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 24, 2012 Cuba Mission Trip Informational Meeting

You are invited to attend an informational meeting for Mission Trips to CUBA. If you want to be a part of the next trip, come to this meeting. Think on how God wants you to be involved with this mission opportunity.
SUNDAY: June 24--Cuba Mission Trip Informational Meeting
TIME: 12:30 pm
ROOM: DC 305 First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach

We are looking for those who will PRAY, those who will GO, and those who will GIVE so that OTHERS can go.

24 de junio...Reunion sobre los viajes misioneros a Cuba...

Te invitamos a una reunión informativa sobre los viajes misioneros a Cuba. Si estás interesado en ser parte del próximo viaje, ven a esta reunión. Piensa en lo que Dios quiere hacer en ti por medio de esta oportunidad.

DOMINGO: 24 de junio 'Reunión informativa sobre los viajes misioneros a CUBA'
DESPUÉS del servicio LIF...en la iglesia First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach

Estamos buscando a aquellos que van a ORAR, a los que van a IR, y a los que DARÁN para que OTROS pueden ir.