Thanks so much for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for the January 14-21, 2012 Cuba Mission Trip and for our team of four missionaries. We are in the midst of packing the duffle bags for the trip.
Maria Rosa
Thanks for your prayers and support…
In October while we were in Cuba, we collaborated with our Cuban contacts for the January 2012 trip. This trip will focus on Moms and Babies. Please pray for the opportunities to meet with children and their families. We are thrilled to have a team representing FBC of Orange Park and FBC of West Palm Beach.
Praise God…baby items have been donated by FCB of Orange Park, FBCWPB, Mom to Mom, Women on Mission, Girl Friends with Compassion, Neighborhood Connection, and many other individuals. Praise God for Lisa, Alan and Ashley who have purchased 31 backpacks for this trip! They are also helping with art and craft ideas on the Cricut machine!
Please pray that we receive our Cuban Religious Entry Visas. Usually, we do not receive copies of the religious entry visas until the week we are traveling and sometimes, the copies arrive just days before departure!
We are flying from Ft. Lauderdale to Havana again on this trip. We really like the closeness and ease of traveling out of Ft. Lauderdale.
As we do for each trip, we are collecting medicines, and food along with other resources to bring for the churches and organizations we partner with in Cuba.. We have a lot to do before the trip. Pray that we will pack well and fill every space in the bags!
Pray for the 4 missionaries on the Jan. 14-21, 2012,-Cuba Mission Trip Team: Jeff Finley, Maria Rosa Jorquera, Mary Daunhauer, and Virginia Hansen.
Virginia Hansen ∙ 561-712-1234 ∙ ∙