The October 29 to November 5, 2011, Missionary Team is backfrom Cuba!
Gayle Powell, Katie Gentry, Jim Reid, Judy Ratzlaff, Mary Daunhauer, Bud Broda, Frank
Jassir, Yla Flores, Steven Hansen-(Steve & Virginia’s 13 year-old son,) and Virginia Hansen
Thanks for your prayers and support…
Last week God provided so many opportunities for our team to meet with and serve children,
their families, pastors, their leadership teams, seminary students and their professors. Because of illness, Judy could not join the trip but we have learned that she is feeling much better.
We were two churches--FBC of Orange Park and FBC of West Palm Beach- going as one team, united to share the love of Christ with everyone we met during the week. Due to a change in the school schedule, the students were in school last week, and we left the Vacation Bible School materials with the churches for future use.
*Praise God all of our team members were granted Cuban Religious Entry Visas.
*Praise God for the Garner Family and for the use of their van and enclosed trailer to transport some of our team members and the 27 duffle bags and 20+ carry-on bags to Ft. Lauderdale.
*Praise God for the Gentry Family who drove their SUV to take and bring back team members from the airport.
*Praise God for the overall savings of $860 on the airline tickets and luggage weight charges.
*Praise God that the tropical storm did not impact our week of activities.
*Praise God that all of our carry-on luggage and duffle bags went through Cuban and American Customs without incident!
*Praise God for allowing us to meet with and begin partnerships with new churches, new missions, new house churches and new ministries.
*Praise God that we saw girls and boys participating in AWANA Programs-(OANSA).
*Praise God for the opportunity to attend two Cuban Christian musical concerts.
*Praise God for churches shining the ‘light’ in the midst of neighborhoods where ‘Santeria’ abounds.
*Praise God for the Baptist Home where 19 residents are cared for each day.
*Praise God for new branches of the Seminary being established in order to serve more students who are studying to become future pastors and worship leaders.
*Praise God for children who love memorizing scripture verses and songs as they learn about Jesus.
*Praise God for the many volunteers who lead, prepare and work with the children and student ministries in the churches and missions in Cuba.
*Praise God that all 650 pairs of underwear, 800 pairs of socks, 510 beanie babies, clothes, shoes, medicine, food and other resources were distributed to our partners at churches, missions, and ministry groups on the island.
*Praise God for the opportunities to share the gospel and for the many hearts who are now serving Jesus day by day.
Check out more details on the Cuba 4 Christ web page: