Dear Friends of Cuba,
Praise God for His Provision while we were in Cuba last week!
All of our team members received Cuban Religious Entry Visas and we flew from Miami, on Friday. We knew you were praying for us and we were so thankful. Our team members represented five distinct churches collaborating together sending missionaries to serve in Cuba. We are so grateful for the opportunity to go on mission to Cuba and serve alongside of our brothers and sisters.
Although we faced obstacles in both the Miami and Havana airports, we brought carry-ons and 21 duffle bags of supplies, medicine and resources for the Seminary, for our partners in the churches, the missions, the Baptist Home, and house churches across the island.
God provided opportunities for team members who have medical experience, to minister to many of the residents at the Baptist Home. We visited with our contacts at three of our partner churches during the week. Many pastors and friends came into Havana to visit with us and give reports of how God is working in and around their local churches.
Three of our team members were able to minister to families with children who are suffering from cancer. We are happy to report that two of the moms prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior. That opportunity to share the love of Christ was a direct result of our friends inviting us to take part in their weekly ministry for families who are struggling and need the hope of our Lord Jesus.
What to many may be seen as an obstacle, we saw as an opportunity to share the gospel. One of the vans at the seminary broke down and had to be towed back to Havana. Two mechanics from Mercedes Benz arrived at 8 pm to repair the van. Knowing that they were working well beyond their scheduled hours, we provided supper for the men and gave them items to give to their wives when they returned home that night. One of our team members encouraged them, and let them know how much we appreciated them coming to repair the van. We left tracts outlining the gospel of Jesus with them and are praying that others will come alongside of them to help continue pointing these men to Christ. The vans are crucial to spreading the gospel and are used to access remote areas of Cuba with needed resources and supplies.
Thanks to the generous donations of sports equipment and uniforms from many families and UPWARD Basketball participants, sixty churches have received these items along with soccer balls for Sport Ministry Programs. Twenty six participants from seven churches attended and were trained at our Puppet Ministry Workshop on Wednesday. Thanks to Tom Spencer of FBCWPB, and FBC Orange Park, all seven churches received puppets, training CD’s and a collection of Spanish puppet dramas in order to start Puppet Ministry Programs in their churches.
Thanks for your support and contributions for the April 2013 Mission Trip to Cuba. Please pray with us as we seek God’s guidance in planning for future trips. Psalm 119:105
Evelyn Barracks, Mary Daunhauer, Char DeVlieger, Maria Martin, Mary Robles, Virginia Hansen
April 2013 Cuba Mission Team