On behalf of Barbara Moore, Beverly Vanderpool, Jim Reid, Judy Ratzlaff, Mary Daunhauer, Pam Newsome, Steven Hansen, Tim Henry, Tom Spencer and Virginia Hansen, thanks for taking time to pray for us while we were on mission in Cuba.
We have many stories to share. One of our new church partners has a ministry to Chinese-Cubans. We thank God for the opportunity to go and share. Since the Spring 2010 Cuba Mission Trip, we have been told that life is becoming more difficult in Havana. However, on Sunday, as we worshiped together, we saw positive evidence that the churches are growing and that more are coming to accept Christ as their Savior.
We are excited to report that the concrete pad for the basketball court has been poured and dedicated. There will be sports leagues and teams for the summer months after the finishing touches have been completed.
After a series of meetings, we now partner with three new churches! The house church movement is thriving and many homes are providing places for members to worship and grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Cuba.