Thanks for your prayers and support…
In June, when we were working on the November Mission Trip to Cuba, we collaborated with our contacts in Cuba to plan the the trip dates to coincide with the week students were to be on fall break from school Please pray for the opportunities to meet with children and their families. We are thrilled to have a team representing FBC of Orange Park and FBC of West Palm Beach.
Praise God…Vacation Bible School materials have been donated by FBC of Orange Park, FBC of Lake Worth, Florida Gardens Baptist, Palm Springs Baptist, and Victory Baptist Churches.
Please pray that all ten members of our team will be granted Cuban Religious Entry Visas. Usually, we do not receive copies of the religious entry visas until the week we are traveling and sometimes, the copies arrive just days before departure!
For the first time since we have been going to Cuba, we are flying from Ft. Lauderdale to Havana. The Ft. Lauderdale airport is a little closer, less congested than Miami and we are excited to try a new venue.
We are collecting socks, underwear, school supplies, beanie babies, clothes, shoes, medicines, food and other resources to bring for the churches and organizations we partner with in Cuba.. We have a lot to do before the trip. Pray that we will pack well and fill every space in the bags!
Please pray for the 10 missionaries on the October 29 to November 5, 2011,--Cuba Mission Trip Team: Gayle Powell, Katie Gentry, Jim Reid, Judy Ratzlaff, Mary Daunhauer, Bud Broda, Frank Jassir, Yla Flores, Steven Hansen-(Steve & Virginia’s 13 year-old son,) and Virginia Hansen.
Mary, Virginia, Judy