Friends of Cuba,
It is exciting to see that Canoe Island-Isla Canoa, the Lifeway Vacation Bible School Program we took to Cuba, in 2008, is still being utilized and shared in churches on the island. Read this report from Pastor Alexis, where Canoe Island-Isla Canoa was presented to over 300 children and their parents last week!
Pastor Alexis reports on ‘Canoe Island’-‘Isla Canoa’ Vacation Bible School
It is exciting to see that Canoe Island-Isla Canoa, the Lifeway Vacation Bible School Program we took to Cuba, in 2008, is still being utilized and shared in churches on the island. Read this report from Pastor Alexis, where Canoe Island-Isla Canoa was presented to over 300 children and their parents last week!
Pastor Alexis reports on ‘Canoe Island’-‘Isla Canoa’ Vacation Bible School
Traveling is a word that excites every human being from time immemorial. But for a Cuban, who has always lived on an island, the implication is more than normal. Especially if that involves children, then it leads to frenzy. This allows us to understand why the flood of these small and energetic critters "filled" our Bible School, held in August. They took the trip fully involved, mom and dad had to make typical Hawaiian costumes with local resources. We escorted 309 babes on this trip to Hawaii, through ‘Canoe Island’, and that is not counting an additional 71 adults. The excellent work of 38 leaders allowed us to be transported in time and space to this beautiful island in the Pacific. And what about décor which is worthy to be compared to that of professional theater, accompanied by music, Bible study and missionary stories. At the end of each night, a snack was a prize for each participant. Everything we did and all the people who worked, were links that allowed us to build and enjoy this beautiful and unforgettable experience. Summer is gone, as well as all that it implies, memories and costumes are placed in the closet, teachings of daily life, and in the heart remains the desire to live a vibrant life until the next summer adventure arrives.
Viajar, es una palabra que emociona a todo ser humano desde tiempos inmemoriales. Pero para un cubano, que ha vivido siempre en una Isla, tiene mayor implicación que lo normal. Y si eso involucra, especialmente a los niños, es algo que los lleva al frenesí. Eso nos permite entender el por qué de la avalancha de esas pequeñas e incansables criaturitas que “llenaron” nuestra Escuela Bíblica de Verano, celebrada en agosto. Ellos asumieron el viaje con total involucramiento, papá y mamá tuvieron que fabricar con los recursos locales los típicos trajes hawayanos. Nos acompañaron 309 pequeñuelos en este viaje a Hawai, a través de la Isla Canoa, sin contar los 71 adultos. El excelente trabajo de los 38 líderes nos permitió transportarnos en el tiempo y espacio a esa preciosa Isla del Pacífico. Y qué decir de una decoración digna de profesionales del teatro, acompañada de la música, clases bíblicas e historias misioneras. Hasta la merienda al finalizar cada noche fue un premio para cada participante. Todo lo que hicimos y todas las personas que trabajaron, fueron eslabones que nos permitieron edificar y porque no disfrutar de esta bella e inolvidable experiencia. Ha quedado atrás el verano con todo lo que implica, los recuerdos y trajes fueron al closet, las enseñanzas a la vida cotidiana, y en el corazón el vivo anhelo de vivir el próximo verano una vibrante Aventura.
Please continue to pray for us as we prepare to go on mission, in November, with a team of 8 missionaries from three different churches. We look forward to seeing what God will do as we spend a week serving alongside our Christian brothers and sisters in Cuba. We are praying for an early confirmation of the Cuban Religious Entry Visas. Cuba para Cristo!